Child Support – What Are Extraordinary Medical Expenses?

Washington State child support orders set out each parent’s responsibility for the child’s Extraordinary Medical Expenses.

This provision is found at paragraph 3.19 of the pattern form child support order.


An extraordinary medical expense is a medical expense which in one month amounts to more than 5% of the child support transfer payment.

If you are the parent receiving child support, you are expected to spend up to 5% of the money you receive each month on uninsured medical expenses for the child:  co-pays, deductibles, or any other medical expense that is not covered by health insurance.

If you are the parent paying support, then you are expected to contribute towards uninsured medical costs, IF they total more than 5% of your usual monthly payment.

Here’s a simple example:
  • Dad pays child support of $400 per month.
  • In June, the child has $100 in uninsured medical expenses.Mom pays the first $20, because that amounts to 5% of the usual child support payment ($400 x 5% = $20).
  • The additional $80 are extraordinary medical expenses.
  • Dad and Mom split the extra $80 between them according to the percentages stated at paragraph 3.19 of their child support order.
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